Online Taxi Reservations

Reservations can be made by calling:
Cambridge Taxi Cab 617-649-7000
Although it is a pleasure to talk to one of our operators, we now make it even easier and faster to make a taxi reservation. Just click on the button below and we will walk you through a fast, reliable process to reserve a taxi for either right now or cab reservation online in the future.
For those times when you are just curious or if you have a decision to make on which company to use, use our fare estimator to tell you what the approximate fare would be to go between any two addresses. Keep in mind that at Cambridge Taxi Cab four passengers ride for the price of one making us a very cost-effective alternative to airport shuttles.
We now offer the ability to track your reservation. All you need to know is your confirmation and telephone numbers and we will show you the status of your reservation.
Cambridge Taxi-Cab Rates
$2.95 | First 1/4th mile |
$ .65 | Each additional 1/8th mile or part. |
$60.00 | Per Hour Wait Time |
$0.00 | No Extra Charge for Additional Passengers. |
Discounts for trips to the area airports:
Boston Logan Airport | 10% off rate |
TF Green International Airport | 10% off rate |
Manchester Boston Regional Airport Manchester, NH | 15% off rate |
The discount is given by the driver off the meter rate. Tell your driver you read about the discount on the website.
Cancellation Policy for prepaid trips: